Looks like Newgrounds has a totally different output with music. Everyone tends to like the genres like Happy Hardcore, hyper active trance music, and some others.
I submitted 4 music tracks to test what you people like. Looks like the FiveAfter sorts of music win out most of it. So. I deleted 3 of the worst tracks. (sorry if you reviewed :| ) and now... to make some stereotypical music.
You deleted them! No! :(
I doubt I reviewed them though, but I share the pain of those who did. Even if I don't review anything new my reviews keep dropping at an average of one review per week. Anyhow, yeah, we newgrounders have a twisted sense of music. I'm pretty pissed about everyone voting 0 on hiphop tracks though, all hiphop tracks, regardless of quality, some people are too stereotypical . . .
Used to be on download.com music section. I was on the top page several times over the editorial reviews. I kinda quit after becoming bored of the site.
Newgrounds has some kind of alternative taste in electronica dance music. May need to invest time into making cheap trance music.
:| This bloody site has too much n00b bashing.