So for the last 2 years I've been working on SideTrip, and recently... SideTrip got picked up by a publisher and its now part of a book titled Game Graphics Bible 2017. It's in Japanese (I'm Japanese) but the book is technically available. The link below is in Japanese, sorry.
Since it's a bit difficult to get this book anyway if you're living in the US/anywhere else especially, I'll snap some picts of the pages I'm involved in as an example. I can't snap other parts given it'd hit some copyright issues.
This is a pretty big deal... honeslty I didn't even think I'd get my work thrown into a book like this. The book also features some tripple A game titles like Halo 5 Guardians, Tekken, Monster Hunter Cross, so I'm surprised how they even picked up an individual artist like myself working on my spare time on a childhood dream I've had. It's so cool seeing your own work shelved between other big-name title art books in a typical bookstore here in Japan.
As for SideTrip, of course, it'll continue just as usual. And I really couldn't do SideTrip without the support from a bunch of you who've left comments, slapped me with critique, and even made new stuff out of it. Without your conversation, your chatter, your love and hate I wouldn't have been able to continue on a massive quest to develop something of this magnitude and quality. SideTrip is now entering its 2nd year of its run, and while I'm a slow-poke producing 1 picture a month, I hope you guys can stick around to see it all the way to the end.
Thanks so much NewGrounds.
Congrats! Don't know why you're "surprised". I've seen your work, it's quite good. Should you get around to translating the link for us non-Nihongo speakers, let me know.